Judaism without an echo

In the Torah we read, how as Moshe is preparing the Jewish people for his death and their entering the Land of Israel. He decides to remind them of the moment G-d gave them the Torah at Mount Sinai and the great G-dly revelation that there was then, hoping that this would serve as an inspiration to them to stand true to their faith even in the Holy Land, when they will no longer be in the utopia they had in the dessert where all their physical needs were taken care of.

Today when we read this passage in the Torah, we too are meant to envision that great defining moment in our history. We stand in reverence while it is read, and later we go back to our lives striving to live as if we too had witnessed that sublime event.

Amongst the wondrous descriptions of the giving of the Torah, are details about how G-d’s voice was heard: it was a ‘great loud voice’, and it had ‘no end’.

What does ‘no end’ mean?

One explanation is that it had no echo. To clarify further how a lack of echo is a sign of power, and why it was so miraculous that there was none, let us look at what causes an echo.

An echo occurs when sound hits something solid and bounces back. When G-d spoke there was no echo because nothing was blocking His words to ‘rebound’ them. G-d’s words permeated absolutely everything in the world. This is because there is nowhere in the world that G-d cannot affect.

This is a beautiful lesson for us in our personal lives, that the words of the Torah should have no end. No ‘walls’ blocking. There should be no time in our lives when we say, “our Judaism stops here.”

We can let our Judaism extend beyond Shul, or Shabbat, and take the inspiration and the Jewish way of life into our homes and our workplaces.

By letting the Torah permeate everything in our lives, we will then be able to live a truly blessed and fulfilled life.

Adapted from the wisdom of the Rebbe, LK"S V.4 Parshat VaEschanan                              Photo from Chabad.org