The details below are about the 2022 Celebration details about the 2024 Celebration which will take place on 12th June will be shared closer to the time.

Shavuot is the day we celebrate the giving of the Torah on Mt Sinai 3334 years ago.

We will celebrate by listening to the 10 commandments being read from our new Torah scroll and by eating dairy.

Join us for an inspiring service, followed by a delicious dairy buffet lunch, including cheesecake, blintzes, dairy delights, and an ice cream bar for the children.

Sunday 5th June
Service begins: 10 AM
Children’s Programme: 11 AM
Torah Reading: 11:15 AM
Dairy fest: 12:15 PM

At the Pestana Hotel 354 Queenstown Road SW11 8EA

Rsvp today using the form below